The Good Design Journal
A Checklist For Stress-Free Holiday Hosting

Tis’ the season to be jolly and play host with the most! If you’ve somehow managed to score the holiday hosting duties and asking yourself “where on earth do I even begin?!” you have found yourself in the right place!
We’ve got the ultimate list of holiday hosting tips to help you sleigh the entertaining this festive season! We’ve broken them down into three key stages to ensure you navigate the festivities with ease.
It’s as easy as Prep, Welcome, Entertain. That’s it! From the outset, it can seem daunting but it doesn’t have to be. The key to successful holiday hosting is giving yourself enough time in advance to get all your ducks in a row for a smooth event that even you’ll be able to enjoy!
So get ready to dive in and turn your home into Santa’s workshop of holiday hosting!
The Prep Work
Make a list and check it twice. Most of the days stress can be taken away with clever prep and planning. Do a little in the weeks and days leading up to the event to avoid any last minute decor decisions or do I have enough food panic purchases!
Pick a theme
It might be a colour, a feeling, or even a location - choosing one key element will help you set the tone for the entire gathering. From decorations to menu choices, your theme is your holy grail of guidance.
Maybe it’s a traditional feel you’re going for, or perhaps you’re celebrating along the coastline (highly likely here in Aus considering we are surrounded by the sea!), or you could be infusing a touch of glamour with gold and glitter galore! Let this theme weave through every detail to create a cohesive and unforgettable experience for your guests, while taking the guess work out of your holiday preparations!
Invites and RSVPs
Don’t be a Grinch, the more the merrier we say! Reach out to your guests well ahead of time and confirm attendance and dietary restrictions. This way, you can adjust the menu accordingly to ensure everyone is accommodated.
Food prep
Even if you love to cook, there’s no need to bite off more than you can chew this holiday season. Plan a menu around a couple of standout, signature dishes sure to wow your guests and fill in the blanks with some pre-purchased sides to complement.
Prep ingredients ahead and cook what you can that’s easily reheated a day or two in advance to not only save time and stress on the day but allow you to focus on adding those final touches for a truly memorable experience.
Deck the halls
Decorating doesn’t need to be all Santas and reindeers. We love a traditional theme and some pieces we’ll be using to style our holiday parties incorporate those reds and greens for that festive feel in a timeless, charming manner. You'll find plenty of decorating ideas here.
With a Summer Christmas on the cards for us Aussies, that coastal theme is always a winner as well. Enhance with a palette of serene blues, crip whites and shimmering silvers to create a breezy holiday atmosphere!
Our tip: decorate in the weeks leading up to your hosting duties, so all that’s left to do on the day is set table, giving you more time to focus on creating a welcoming atmosphere for your guests. Plus, it allows you to relax and truly enjoy the festivities with your loved ones.
Jingle & Mingle
The day is here and your party pants are on. Get ready to set the perfect atmosphere in preparation for the festive kick off!
Merry Melodies
Set the holiday mood with a killer playlist of Christmas tunes. Mariah, Buble - the gangs all here! Play as your guests arrive and have them jingling all the way into your home, excited for the festivities to come.
Master the Festive Greeting
Be it a simple Merry Christmas or a hearty Ho Ho Ho - pick your poison and spread that holiday cheer as you welcome your guests to begin an event of frivolous fun!
Snacks that Sleigh
Like moths to a flame, your guests will most likely find themselves gravitating towards a spread! Organise some pre-meal snacks where pre-mealtime mingling is to occur. Some nibbles on the coffee table perhaps?
This clever move keeps everyone happily occupied while the main event has its final touches added away in the kitchen.
To quench those thirsts - a fully stocked bar cart (on wheels) is an absolute must! Wheels ensure libations are always in reach and ready to cheers to the festivities ahead.
Dinner Is Served
Slip out in style and set up a serving station with all your culinary delights. Let your guests help themselves before sitting down at the perfectly curated table you prepared earlier. Roll that bar cart back into play allowing the drinks to go where the party goes.
Tidy Up in a Snap
Have bins and bags at the ready to make clean up a breeze, giving you more time to laugh with your guests well into the night. Save your dishes for your guests departure, ensuring the last moments of your festivities are filled with roars, not chores.
With these tips, you’ll be armed with the know-how to not only survive but thrive in this holiday hosting gig you’ve found yourself in. So embrace the role, infuse your style and let the festivities unfold with ease and joy this holiday season!