The Good Design Journal
Shaping Light With Danish Designer Tom Rossau

Have you heard of the Danish lighting designer, Tom Rossau? He's kind of a big deal in the world of lighting design, and for good reason! His designs are absolutely stunning, and his approach to lighting is truly innovative. So much so, we're welcoming the design house with wide open arms to Designstuff's digital shelves.
We first met Tom during our travels in Copenhagen for the 2022 design festival-3 Days of Design. Tom hosted us for the most delicious lunch in the Copenhagen Opera House, where we sat under three of his truly stunning pendants.
We were fortunate to touch base with Tom a second time, who was kind enough to sit down with us to chat about his creative process, his love of natural materials, and his vision for the future of lighting design - which you can watch below:
What makes Tom unique is his love of natural materials. He's all about using sustainable, renewable resources like birchwood and paper to create his designs. Not only does this make his work better for the environment, but it also gives his lamps a unique texture and pattern that you just can't get with synthetic materials.

Tom's process is all about experimentation. He likes to get hands-on with his materials, playing around and seeing what he can come up with. This approach has led to some stunning work, such as the TR7 Pendant Lamp with its interlocking birchwood loops and the TR36 Table Lamp that somehow manages to be both bold and soft simultaneously.
Rossau's lighting designs are renowned for their ability to transform spaces into warm and inviting environments. His innovative use of shape and material creates a stunning interplay between natural and artificial light that gives his lamps a unique, sculptural quality. When illuminated, his lamps create an atmosphere that can completely change the mood of a room, making them the perfect addition to any architectural space seeking to create a captivating and inviting ambiance.
Tom Rossau's innovative and sustainable approach to lighting design has made him one of the most exciting designers working today. His lamps are more than just functional objects - they are artistic expressions that transform spaces into warm and inviting environments. With his love of natural materials and his unique approach to sculptural lighting design, Rossau continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of lighting.