The Good Design Journal
Meet The Mum That's Helping Keep Your Family's Day-To-Day On Track

Keeping diaries, hanging calendars, sticking post-it notes on the fridge; we each have our own tools and strategies to keep an effective schedule. Though when it comes to managing the day-to-day of little ones, the standard go-to’s tend not to be as effective. Megan Pollock, Brisbane mum of two and founder of Second Scout, experienced this herself, sending her on a journey to formulate the perfect organiser to keep the daily checklist ticking.

“When my eldest daughter was younger, tasks like teeth brushing and helping to pack away was an everyday struggle,” remembers Megan. “It got me thinking, what if I used pictures to help her?” Starting out with laminated charts and sticky labels, the results were really effective at keeping little ones on track, but didn’t look particularly attractive in the home.
“I couldn’t find something that matched the aesthetic I had in mind,” says Megan. “I was on a mission to make something not only practical, but something I’d happily display in my home.” Brainstorming eventually brought her to timber. What felt like a natural choice, it resulted in a tactile organiser, named the Little Agenda, that was robust enough to withstand the reality of young kids, whilst also being sustainable, and workable as a home décor piece. It was able to blend into the surrounds, without creating an eyesore that needed to be hidden when visitors came over. It was a winner!
Praise and success came soon after launching, but having the guts and confidence to hit go, also came with plenty of nerves. “Deciding to go ahead with my first big production run was terrifying to say the least,” says Megan. “I was looking down the barrel of some very hefty bills, and had to take that leap not knowing whether I’d end up with a garage full of stock no-one wanted!”
However, not long after release, the emails and messages started pouring. Customers praised the versatility of the design and how they’d quickly become game changers in their homes. “Once those first orders started coming in, and customers started telling me how much they loved the products, all of the sleepless nights and sacrifice felt worth it,” says Megan. “It’s the best feeling to know that something I’ve made to help my own family is helping so many others.”
“Once those first orders started coming in, and customers started telling me how much they loved the products, all of the sleepless nights and sacrifice felt worth it.”
– Megan Pollock

The beauty of the Little Agenda is in its easy-to-navigate interface, thanks to the illustrated timber tiles. But designing and signing off on each icon turns out to be no walk in the park, and often balloons out into the lengthiest part of the development phase. Some are pretty straight forward, but others take a lot of revisions. Each illustration is put through what Megan calls the “Kid Test”. Friends, family, and select customers, receive a surprise set of new tiles in the mail, ready to be scrutinised by young, fresh eyes.
“This is where everything can fall apart,” says Megan. “Sometimes you think you’ve nailed it, but through a child’s eyes, they see something completely different. Some of the responses from my daughter have been hilarious!” With over 150 designs in the current range, keeping things simple and minimalist gives every family member the ability to use the Little Agenda with confidence and ease.

When asked if planning has always been one of her strong points, Megan mentions that people have always told her she’s organised. Though the vall has been dropped since having kids, illustrating how useful the Little Agenda can be for everyone. “I think the perception of the Second Scout range is that you need to be organised to use it, but it’s quite the opposite,” explains Megan. “The range has been designed to help get the whole family onboard, and by empowering the kids, it lightens the load a little for us as parents!”
Given Second Scout’s immediate success, it’s hard to believe they only launched in mid 2021. And it doesn’t sound like the brand will be slowing down any time soon. “I have lots of things bubbling away in the background,” says Megan. “So watch this space!”